My DC World

I admit it, I’m a comic geek.

I love to reading comics, I’m so into reading them. Nowadays I don’t really have much time to relax myself so I can grab a comic and start reading it, but before I couldn’t stop holding one. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t a some kind of nerd that was hiddend in her room and didn’t have no friends, just like The Big Bang Theory. No!, I was a normal geek undercover…

I star to learn a bunch of things about superheroes, their knacks and skills, their flaws and weaknesses, even their specific tastes or who they were into.

“DC Comics, Inc. was founded in 1934, and has become in one of the largest and most successful companies operating in the market for American Comic books”. (Wikipedia says it! =B).

Anyway… you may wonder my friends, what DC means? aha!, of course I should know it, right?, but no… so I decided to “wikipedied it” and I discovered that it stands for: “Detective Comics”, yeah, not every answer can be interesting and not so obvious.

They create comics about very famous characters, including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Robin, Aquaman, Hawkman, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern and the Flash, along with superhero teams Justice Society, the Justice League, the Teen Titans, and the Doom Patrol as well as antagonists such as Lex Luthor, the Joker, the Riddler, Mr. Freeze, Catwoman, Sinestro, the Penguin, Two-Face, General Zod, Brainiac, Harley Quinn, Darkseid, and Lobo…. (wow, I need some air…)

So, now that I’ve enlightened you about my secret hobby, I invite you to grab a comic and start reading it, ’cause, who knows… you may actually enjoy it 😉

File:DC Comics logo.svg

Charlie Chaplin’s Modern Times into our society today

The characteristics of modern society portrayed in the film that persist to this days, are many. The film opens with an image of a batch of sheep moving, the next scene shows crowds of people mobilizing in the streets, this shows the incredible but real similarity that exists between us and animals, where everybody is moving in a single metropolitan area, from one side to another to reach our destiny.
Even today exists production’s plants, for example to produce kitchens. Within these working online, where if a worker fails,  it all fails, as a delay or stop the production, also people have different functions, working individually in order to assemble different parts of the product. Finally, it is truly a collective, but individual responsibility, one could say that were’re just one more piece of machinery.

The characteristics of most of the jobs that exist today, mainly the lower and middle class, are the same as those presented in the film, such as a predetermined program, working standards and guidelines, the presence of a chief who is to obey immediately and claims, it also monitors each workplace, ensuring that everything is in order and working properly, finally, unlike the other workers, has a specific individual, such as an office, with better conditions for their duty. Also, the end of the work remains the same. It seeks to improve the productivity of man, decreasing free time, resulting in new inventions for this (for example, is an invention to feed the workers while they do their work, and thus able to “get ahead of the competition,” “reduce unnecessary costs “and” save energy “)” If it is not practical, not interested. ”
Subordinates are also monitored every worker in the workplace, to monitor whether they comply with their work, this way, each employee must be informed (through cards, for example) that give each movement (toileting, lunch) .
Just as there are commonalities in the usefulness of the work, it produces the same effect on most people, unhappiness and dissatisfaction difficult to remove, it tells people that they should “try to be calm and avoid strong emotions.”

The film presents a society made up of people who desperately want to belong to it, and its persistent and continuous attempts to belong to society. To think the same way that if one does not work, you can not achieve this goal, “we must work to serve and contribute something for the good of society.” People have the same desire for a future uncertain but hopeful. They have the same projects and future plans (having a job, a house, raise a family, own property comfortable and good food, fine clothes, etc..) And the same conception of happiness, and this is one type material. There is a mentality of: “Everything we can get it working.”

Currently exist in parallel with the above, similar features as the figure of institutions governing society, such as police, acting as the highest authority, impose fear and order. As a result of economic inequality and social situation, people are protesting for freedom, equality and unity through strikes, protests, demonstrations, etc..
Finally, criminal offenses occurring on the streets, creating a social insecurity. This creates the need to build prisons as a way to control and “cage” to those who make and cause disturbances. Within these prisons are created forms of coexistence between identical and homogeneous individuals .

File:Charlie Chaplin - Modern Times (mechanics scene).jpg

       Do you feel like this sometimes?  →

Let’s Go Green!


AFTER taking the “Recycling Quizzes”

✿ Hand washing dishes can use up to 50 % more of water than using an efficient dishwasher.

 ✿Only about 8% of global energy comes from renewables.

✿ True or false? Appliances that are turned off don’t use any electricity. That’s so false. They continue to consume energy even when they’re turned off.

✿Can you make paper out of hemp? Yes!, is a more efficient option and helps to take care the planet’s resources.


The best 3 tips… in my opinion.
1.- Rehuse my”carry bags” everytime I go to shop to the store, or just get a bag for life!
2.- Go to a rubbish dump if I want to get rid off large or big items that won’t fit in the dump.
3.- Use carriying bags or old store boxes for extra recycling items I may have.

All you want to know about Hollywood

“The Internet Movie Database”

In this website you can find anything about movies and tv series, biographies of actors and actresses in Hollywood, from photos and galleries of movies and premiers to a weekly film box office, all the way from “yankeeland”.

I love to visit this web site, not only because I’m a cinema lover, also ’cause I love to know what’s new in the hollywood world. I admit it, it is my addiction.

When I have the chance to be in the computer and have a time for myself, wish this days is less and less often, I enter to IMDB and discover all the new trens in Hollywood, and I can find new upcomming films, their rating and their production.

Memories from my past . . .


I love this photo! It’s shows my grandma and I enjoying a quiet summer evening at the beach

My grandpa took it when I was about 4 years old.

We were on vacations in Las Cruces, El Tabo in the V region of Chile.

This photo is my favourite one, ’cause it shows how simple my life was back then, when there was nothing but joy and simplicity around me. Also, I love going to vacacionate there, so I like to look at it and think in the peace and the fresh air in that place.

Is my favourite place to relax and lost myself in my thoughts.

It feels so good remembering how I was… and it surprises me how fast time can pass by.